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How Real is God?

••• • 30 Sep 2004

Often people say that they believe in God and that he is real but the question is how real is he? That was the question that kept pondering me before the truth was delivered to me.

I believe that God helps anyone who calls out for him. He is a gracious and a loving God. He helped me in many ways before I was saved in the truth. Being an ex-Roman Catholic, he helped me when I had a car accident when I was a little girl. I remember that I had flash-backs within the 5 seconds I was thrown in the air. I called out to him telling him that I was not ready to die because I was a naughty girl and did not want to go to hell.

It was amazing that I survived that but ended up with ugly bruises all over my lower half of the body. I could barely see normal skin colours on my legs. It was all purplish with bruises.

He really did help me lots even as a Roman Catholic. I felt him in my life but not really IN my life. Maybe I just felt his presence when I needed him.

Now that I am saved in the truth and received the Holy Spirit with the evidence in speaking in tongue, all is clear to me as I am now truly his child. I feel that he is within me. He is always here watching over me and the Holy Spirit gave me the ability to discern over things.

Sure, there are times I feel rebellious and times when I feel like giving up but the Holy Spirit always guides me back to the right path. He is like a Father to me, even closer to my own biological father. He listens and comforts me and guides me. At times, he reprimands me but he is always there 100% anytime of the day. No one can beat the customer service of God!

I remember during one prophesy session on Sunday, God said that there is only one path to the truth and to heaven. There is no right or left turns. There is only one path that is narrow and straight. He will not cause confusion for his words are clear.

Sometimes when we are down, our carnal mind starts to analyse his words and try to interpret it in our own understanding. We might even think that there is no way out of a situation and start to feel demoralised. These are the foolish thoughts of men and fruitless as the truth will reveal itself when the day comes. With God, I know that he will always take away all obstacles in the path as long as we are close to him. There is nothing impossible to God as he specialises in the things that are impossible.

God is real alright. He is as real as you or me. I didn’t know why it is important to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence in speaking in tongue but I know now as it is in his words. The difference is great and it changed my belief and my understanding in the bible. It made me see things clearer and not with my own understanding but his. Most importantly, I feel closer to him than before. I am forever thankful to God that he led me to the truth.

Posted by Jaime  •••  :: 12:07 AM  ••• TrackBack (5) 



••• • 29 Sep 2004

Finally, WSSG (Web Standards Singapore) is on the roll. So far, we had two meetings and the second one is fruitful. Our first step is to make a logo for the group and next to design the website. All the members (designers or no) are having a lot of fun (or nightmares) having a go at the logo.

I was taking my own sweet time in delaying the designing of the logo. The truth being that I was busy and thinking that a little delay won’t hurt. The retribution in delaying is having nightmares every night when left with only a week to go before the deadline and I still have real work left to do! Now I remember why I hated homework so much back then in school. The feeling is familiar but not memorable.

Anyway I had the logo done and over with and started musing over the thought that I am not alone in this nightmare as some of the members are working and should be having the same fun I had faced (juggling between work and this logo).

Anyway this has been a fun experience and I do hope that we can have a good logo to use. Hmm the next design mania will be the website. Now that will be fun!

Posted by Jaime  •••  :: 05:18 PM  ••• TrackBack (10)  • ••••  Comments (68)